Applications Open: Certificate in Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Praxis (CCC&AOP)

Illustration of a woman looking at a phone with text "Power Wants Your Body Softening in a Chair"

A new program, the Certificate in Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Praxis, is offering a Certificate in Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Praxis (CCC&AOP) to graduate students and postdocs, specifically targeted to those individuals in STEM.

In solidarity with Stanford University’s mission value of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and in recognition of the complexity in creating a just future, we offer a Certificate in Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Praxis. The goal of this certificate is to educate and prepare trainees with the tools necessary to navigate a dynamic future from a position of knowledge, empathy, and justice. We have generated a self-tailored curriculum to provide training in three main pedagogical areas:

  1. Critical understanding of identity and positionality

  2. Exploration of the current and historical oppressive infrastructures (external and internal) that have arrested progress towards a just future

  3. Development of a culturally aware praxis to substantiate the transformative and inclusive change.

This certificate program is a distinct departure from currently available certificates in diversity and inclusion. While many such programs simply describe the benefits of a diverse work environment, our framework requires that trainees immerse themselves in intergroup practica (to foster empathy and forge solidarity) and that they establish a praxis to support diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Check out the CCC&AOP Instagram account here.

Interested in having a CCC&AOP program in your institution, school, department, etc.?

Contact Shaila Kotadia at and Brenda Flores at for a program manual and consultation.

Interested in the outcomes of the program? Access 2019-20 participant Eamon Byrne’s portfolio.

Interested in writing a strong equity statement for faculty and job positions? One outcome of the program is writing a statement using the CCC&AOP Equity Statement Guide.


The application for the 2020-1 academic year is now open until October 31, 2020. A cohort of ~12 individuals will be selected.

The workshops will take place in the winter quarter, journal clubs in the spring quarter, and courses/electives and praxis projects in the summer quarter. Click here to apply.

Contact Information

Shaila Kotadia

Stanford School of Medicine
Director of Culture and Inclusion
Office of Faculty Development and Diversity

Brenda Flores

Stanford School of Medicine
Research and Program Officer
Office of Faculty Development and Diversity
