Diverse Ambassadors Program

April 5, 2022
Calling senior postdocs from diverse backgrounds! The Diverse Perspectives Seminar Series is launching a pilot program this year that we’re calling the Diverse Ambassadors Program. We’re looking to give a senior postdoc about 1-2 years off from the faculty market an opportunity to give a colloquium seminar talk at a local Primarily Undergraduate Institution.
Our goals are two-fold, first to give our postdocs a chance to prepare a talk similar to the research seminar delivered during faculty candidate interviews. The second, to build community and mentoring relationships between Stanford and local PUIs to support the undergrad-to-graduate transition for these students.
If you are interested in participating please submit some information at this link [https://forms.gle/iwSZxv2eoainbindA].
We plan to provide professional development resources to our Ambassadors to make their talk engaging, successful, and a solid foundation for developing a seminar for future faculty applications. Please submit your interest today!