Someone Like Me Mentoring Program

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“Someone Like Me” is a peer mentoring program supporting trainees from marginalized backgrounds across Stanford University. The program seeks to create a supportive community for graduate students and postdocs from underrepresented groups, needs, and interests.

We provide a safe and informal platform for trainees to gather and address challenges pertaining to navigating academia and life as marginalized people. SLM is 100% trainee-designed and has been a Diversity and Inclusion Innovation Fund (DIF) project since 2018.

This program is for you if any of the following are true:

  • you are looking for a supportive community who can validate your struggle and hold space for you;
  • you are having a hard time navigating the structure of academia;
  • you have questions you don’t feel comfortable asking your PI;
  • you want to hear more diverse perspectives.

How does it work?

SLM holds space monthly for trainees to gather and discuss around a set theme.

Fall events are typically interactive luncheons, facilitated by the organizers. Spring events tend to be afternoon conversations and occasionally crafts. Pandemic events have been zoom support groups with activities 🙂

Examples of Past Event Themes

  • Home or not home for the holidays
  • Mentoring, Social Justice and 2020
  • Finding and Maintaining Mentoring Relationships
  • “You are not alone” in academia


  • What do you mean by “marginalized”? I don’t know if I qualify.
    If you are a trainee at Stanford you qualify :). We aim to center and be mindful of marginalized experiences, and continue to learn from each other. If you think you will benefit from this space, or would like to learn what it’s like to be in it, please join us.
  • I haven’t been to any of the events before. Can I join at any time?
  • I joined the list but can’t seem to make any of the times. What do I do?
    Email us or drop us a note on Slack! We’d love to accommodate you.
  • I have an idea for an event / there is something I’d really like to discuss with the group
    Great! Drop us a note.

Our team

Jingxun Chen, Postdoctoral Fellow, Genetics

Geetha Saarunya Clarke, Postdoctoral Fellow, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain medicine

Sophia Christina Parks, Postdoctoral Fellow, Infectious Diseases

Team Alumni

Bradley Tolar, Research Scientist, Earth System Science

Ioana Marin, Postdoctoral Fellow, Biology/ Neuroscience

Nasa Armstrong, Graduate Student, Genetics

Katie Walwyn-Brown, Postdoctoral Fellow, Structural Biology

Kacie Deters, Postdoctoral Fellow, Neurology

Catherine Tcheandjieu, Postdoctoral Fellow, Pediatrics

Shahzad Khan, Postdoctoral Fellow, Biochemistry

Noori Chai, Graduate Student, Neuroscience

Arnaldo Carreira-Rosario, Postdoctoral Fellow, Neuroscience