SURPAS Family Committee Parenting and Coffee event for December

Family event

Our next parenting and coffee event is on Thursday, December 8th! This is a great event for parents and also for individuals considering starting a family during grad school/postdoc to ask questions and build a parenting community. Babies, kids, and spouses are welcome!This month we will be talking about dealing with sick kids (keeping them well, finding medical help for illness, and keeping sick kids busy at home). Please RSVP if there’s a chance you’ll make it! (“Maybe” is a perfectly good RSVP.) RSVP here.WHEN: Thursday Dec 8, 12 – 1:30 PM

WHERE: Alway Courtyard– You can enter the courtyard from Dean’s Lawn/Campus drive/Quarry Rd Ext side of the Alway building. You will walk straight into the courtyard from this side without needing to enter the building.

WHAT: Coffee and solid snacks. Informal advice swapping and community building.

WHO: These events are targeted toward graduate students and postdocs (of all departments). Generally, the conversations are most useful to parents (or parents-to-be) of young children.