Stanford Postdoc Symposium 2024

Dear Postdocs, Visiting Postdocs, Visiting fellows and Scholars,

The 2nd annual postdoc symposium is a great opportunity for postdoc researchers to communicate their scientific work. The one day event aims to explore new collaboration, professional development and networking within the Stanford community. This year’s event main theme is advancements in research and innovations.

The event will focus on celebrating the diverse postdoc community and their contributions towards betterment of the community. The events will give you an opportunity to get most out of your time at Stanford.

Abstract submission guidelines:
  • Submit your abstract here.
  • Include a concise summary of your research, methodology, and key findings.
  • Open to all postdoctoral researchers across disciplines.
Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to the scientific dialogue and connect with fellow researchers. Together, let’s foster a culture of collaboration and innovation!