COVID-19-related Resources
- Career Resources
- COVID-19-related Resources
- Difficult Work Environments
- Family Resources
- Financial Resources
- International Postdoc Resources
- JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Resources
- Mailing Lists and Slack
- Mental Health Resources
- Pedagogy, Teaching & Outreach Opportunities
- Tax Implications for Postdocs on Fellowships
- Transportation and Housing Guide
Stanford Resources:
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) updates/FAQs and resources
Official Stanford COVID-19 Updates
Postdoc Benefits Page (information about insurance coverage and COVID-19 testing)
Postdoc Telecommute Agreement (Sign and return to your departmental administrator)
ASSU Emergency/Support Fund (POSTDOCS ARE ELIGIBLE!)
Stanford Community Ongoing Mutual Aid Spreadsheet
Vaden Health Services has built a set of virtual resources designed to support your mental well-being during this time. This list will continue to grow as more updates and resources are available.
Return to research updates & information (check with your department for more building- and discipline-specific information)
News Sources:
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Santa Clara County Public Health
Ideas for What to Do During the Crisis:
PhD Comics have released their 2 movies for FREE during this time! Stream them here.
The UW-Madison Postdoc Association put together a great list of resources for entertainment
Monterey Bay Aquarium Sea Otter Cam
Because postdocs are sometimes considered to be students, you are eligible for the student subscription to the Headspace App ($10/year). This app provides access to every meditation and mindfulness exercise in the Headspace library as well as animated lessons that teach you how to use mindfulness to improve your overall sense of well-being.
Keep up with your exercise regimen (or start a new one!) with these workout guides:
Morning Chalk-up and EverAthlete.
Standuply has a great toolkit of 1,000+ ideas of how to survive when working from home with kids!
Audible Stories is a free website where kids of all ages can listen to hundreds of Audible audio titles across six different languages—English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese—for free, so they can keep learning, dreaming and just being kids!
Stay tuned for upcoming SURPAS virtual hangouts, including coffee socials, Netflix parties, and MORE!